Working with a Phoenix remodeling contractor is an exciting time. After all, you’re making major changes to your home that will not only be beautiful, but they’ll also add value to your property. But not everyone in your household will share your enthusiasm – namely, your pets. Maricopa Contractors, the premier remodeling contractor in Phoenix AZ, has some tips to help keep your pets safe and happy throughout your renovation.
Find the Safest Spaces Possible
The first thing you want to do, of course, is to make sure your Phoenix remodeling contractor knows you have pets in your home. Try to keep your dogs, cats and other pets as far away from the work areas as possible. For example, put food and water bowls (as well as a litter box, if necessary) in your spare bedroom and close the door. Put a sign on it saying something like, “Keep this door closed. Pets are inside.” If your renovation project is more extensive, you may want to consider boarding them at a kennel during the day.
Introduce Your Pets to the Professionals Working on Your Renovation
The vast majority of professionals who work for a remodeling contractor in Phoenix AZ love pets. If yours will be staying home during the project, you might want to consider introducing them to the people who will be working in your home. This will be especially recommended if you have dogs. That could help cut down on barking.
Keep Your Routine as Normal as Possible
Of course, when you hire a remodeling contractor in Phoenix AZ, there are going to be some disruptions to your day-to-day routine. Your pets are creatures of habit – and many of their owners are as well, for that matter. But pets really thrive on routine. Try to maintain their same schedules for feeding and exercise if at all possible.
Maricopa Contractors is a Phoenix remodeling contractor that wants everyone in your home to be healthy and happy through your entire project – whether they have two legs or four. If you would like more tips on how to protect your beloved pets, contact us online or call