Your Maricopa remodeling contractor can give you some fantastic ideas when it comes to your pets and your home renovation. Not only will your pet love them, these ideas will also make life a lot easier for you. Keep these ideas in mind as you’re working with your remodeling contractor in Maricopa AZ.
Feeding Station
A Maricopa remodeling contractor can make it so you’ll never have to worry about tripping over a food or water bowl again. One idea is a feeding station. Instead of keeping the bowls in high traffic areas, consider installing a recessed area underneath a kitchen cabinet. The dishes will stay out of the way, and your pets will still have easy access. As a bonus, your pets will also not be under foot. Your remodeling contractor in Maricopa AZ will show you exactly what a feeding station will look like.
A Pet Nook
Does your pet tend to follow you wherever you go? That’s normally not a problem, but it could be an issue if you’re trying to cook a big meal. Your remodeler could place a special nook underneath one of your kitchen windows. This will be a perfect spot for a bed so that your dog or cat can still be with you, yet not in the way. A Maricopa Contractors remodeling contractor in Maricopa AZ has a lot of different pet nook ideas to share.
A “Mud Room” with a Steel Bath
You know that you need to let a dog be a dog, of course. Sometimes, though, doing so can mean a huge mess. Rainy days are muddy days for pet owners, but there are times where that just can’t be helped. You don’t want to keep your pooch locked inside all day. Even if it’s raining, dogs will still need to get some exercise. A mud room containing a steel bath will be a great place to quickly and easily wash your pup before they can get up on your furniture.
Talk to Us for More Ideas
If you would like more information on incorporating your pets into your renovation, contact a Maricopa remodeling contractor with Maricopa Contractors. You can reach us by calling (520) 705-2927 or by using our online form.